Frequently asked questions.

  • Most individuals typically experience notable improvement within 6-8 weeks of consistent weekly treatments. However, various factors can influence this timeframe, including the duration of the pain, stress levels, smoking habits, sleep quality, alcohol intake, hydration, and medications used. Each person's unique circumstances can impact the rate and extent of progress during the treatment process.

  • Absolutely!

    Working together with other health professionals allows us to tailor our approach specifically to your needs, providing a well-rounded and effective therapeutic experience.

  • The cost for the sessions at Dynamic Therapy ranges from $50 to $170 depending on your needs.

    We should never feel like we have to choose between the health of our body or the health of our bank balance. I am always willing to discuss alternative payment options to help

  • Some treatments may be more uncomfortable than others, but at Dynamic Therapy, I believe in tailoring each session to your sensitivities and pain levels. Treatment doesn't have to cause pain to be effective, and I am dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout the process.

  • Of Course!

    If you are interested in a less structured approach to sessions, I am open to accommodating that.

    However, for individuals with more complex needs, I recommend considering a consistent treatment plan. Ultimately, the choice of how to approach your health journey is yours to make.

  • Before making any booking decisions, I want to emphasize that I offer a free 15min over-the-phone consultation to anyone who is unsure if Dynamic Therapy is the right choice for them.

    This personalized consultation allows you to have a one-on-one conversation with me about your current health situation and any concerns you may have.

    If, after our discussion, it turns out that Dynamic Therapy is not the best fit for you, I am committed to doing my utmost to recommend other health practitioners who may be better suited to addressing your specific needs.

  • While many techniques are perfectly safe during all stages of pregnancy, there are certain areas of the body as well as modalities such as dry needling that are suggested to be avoided during certain stages of pregnancy.

    Getting physical therapy during pregnancy can reduce strain on the body, prevent or relieve pain, and address issues that may come up, ultimately making your pregnancy and postpartum experience more comfortable.

    If you're unsure about a specific treatment, it's always best to seek clearance from your GP or Obstetrician before beginning any new therapy.

  • Unfortunately, I do not offer ACC services at this time.

    However, I do offer flexible payment options to assist you with covering the cost of therapy.

Have a question that isn’t answered here?

Get In touch! I will endeavor to answer any queries you may have.